5 Pedestrian Safety Rules Everyone should know about in Dubai

5 Pedestrian Safety Rules Everyone should know about in Dubai

In the past few years, Dubai has seen increased pedestrian-related accidents. The city and its roads are expanding rapidly; this means more vehicles are driving on them daily. Pedestrians need to be extra cautious when crossing these roads—it’s challenging to navigate busy streets while walking, let alone avoid traffic accidents!

In this blog post, we’ll look at some basic rules of being a safe driver you should follow while walking around Dubai’s public areas:

Please don’t step onto the road. 

Pedestrians should not enter the road anywhere other than a designated pedestrian crossing. Pedestrians should use the designated overpass or underpass to cross the street. Pedestrians should only cross the road at a place with good visibility for safe drivers.

Designated overpass or underpass

Obviously, yes. But it’s important to remember that a pedestrian crossing is not just the white lines and zebra stripes you see on the road. It can be anywhere between those lines, as long as it’s safe for pedestrians to cross and there is no alternative place to do so within 200 meters (660 feet).

If there isn’t an overpass or underpass nearby, you can just walk until you find one before crossing. Also, if it’s dark outside, use caution when crossing any road, even if street lights and cars are around! The safe driver may not be able to see you well enough if it’s too dark out.

Could you cross the road at a place? 

It would help if you never crossed the road at a place where you can’t be seen by drivers or in areas where you can’t see the traffic. This is an obvious and simple rule, but it’s also one of the most important. Parents can opt for hourly drivers for their kids’ school pick and drop.

When crossing roads, remember not just to look for moving vehicles but also for parked ones — don’t assume that a car has been there long enough to be out of harm’s way if it has yet to move after the lights have changed color. Also, beware of tram tracks: these are designed for maximum traction and will grip your shoes if you step onto them without looking first!

During rainy or foggy weather

During rainy or foggy weather, pedestrians should observe additional caution when crossing the road. Rain, fog, and snow can make it difficult for safe drivers to see pedestrians. When this is the case, a designated pedestrian crossing is your best option for ensuring your safety.

If you must cross at a non-designated crossing point due to an emergency (e.g., if there are no other ways across), then be sure You have time to travel safely without rushing. You have enough visibility of oncoming traffic so as not to surprise them.

Pedestrians and drivers

It would help if you always used pedestrian crossings when crossing the road. It would help if you did not cross the road at a place with poor visibility for drivers. Avoid crossing during rainy or foggy weather, as visibility will be poor and dangerous for anyone driving or walking in these conditions.

Pedestrians need to be careful too! It’s up to drivers to drive safely. Still, pedestrians also need to pay attention when walking near roads and intersections or School pick-and-drop services so they can avoid walking into traffic without looking first.

Shame in crossing

There is nothing that’s a thing about using a designated pedestrian crossing; please do it whenever possible and keep yourself safe. Pedestrians should use the designated overpass or underpass to cross the road rather than attempting to use an intersection with poor driver visibility.


These rules are for the benefit of pedestrians who want to keep themselves safe. We hope all drivers will know these five rules and follow them when driving in Dubai.

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